Student Leaders Support Community Connection
Five student leaders from The Arnewood School attended this Sunday’s Town Civic service at Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Church. Emily Haddock, James Crain, Elizabeth Slaney, Josh Brindley, and Euan Bagshaw, joined Chair of Governors Mrs Cook, and Headteacher Mr Pressnell, at the annual gathering at the invitation of New Milton’s Town Mayor, Cllr. Keith Craze.
The service, led by Father George Ngwa, was themed on the celebration of the wonders of Spring, and bringing of hope to our community. Father George spoke of his upbringing in Cameroon and the contrast of a climate with four seasons with that of his childhood. In Cameroon there are just two seasons, wet and dry.
Following prayers and the blessing, a retiring collection was made on behalf of Scarf New Forest, and Parkinson’s Dance Forest Arts.
Mr Pressnell, Headteacher, said “It was lovely to see students from The Arnewood School representing young people from our town. They were excellent ambassadors for the student body and I am grateful to them for supporting the town council’s initiative to bring the community together.”