Headteacher Set for a New Challenge

Nigel Pressnell, headteacher at The Arnewood School, is stepping out of his role to become Chief Executive Officer of the Gryphon Multi-Academy Trust. His new role becomes active in January 2023 and he will lead the Trust that includes The Arnewood School and Eaglewood School. He will develop the Trust in line with Department of Education policy that wants academies to work in stronger groups of at least 10 schools by 2030.
After completing his teacher training in Nottingham Mr Pressnell began teaching in Sussex before moving to John Paul College in Brisbane, Australia, where he spent three years. After returning to the UK, Chris Hummerstone appointed Mr Pressnell deputy headteacher in charge of the sixth form and a design technology and computing teacher.
Mr Pressnell joined The Arnewood School 21 years ago and has been headteacher for the past seven years. He has overseen a number of significant improvements, including the introduction of of the iPad scheme and a huge refurbishment project that has substantialy improved school facilities.
Mr Pressnell has said “One of the things I am most proud about during my time is the strong relationships between the staff and the students. It is the warmest school I have taught at.”
“We have four Ukrainian students here at the moment and I’m so proud of the way they’ve settled in and how everyone has made them welcome and together we’ve made a real difference.”
“During the pandemic our iPad scheme really came into its own and we were able to be agile and the move to online learning was quite straightforward. “Our sixth form continues to be outstanding and offers a wife range of subjects, including vocational ones.”
Mr Pressnell will remain based at The Arnewood School and will be on hand to ensure the best transition to a new headteacher. Mr Pressnell said “It will be the start of another exciting chapter in Arnewood’s story.”