Governors’ Day
Arnewood’s governors went back to school for the day for their very own Governors’ Day.

This special event was designed to give the governors a full insight into a typical school day.
They conducted ‘learning walks’ in different departments, observed lessons, had one-to-one discussions with heads of departments and had their lunch in the canteen to chat with students.
Headteacher, Nigel Pressnell said, “Our governors regularly come into school but this event offers them the opportunity to see the school in action for a full day.”
“The governors provide wonderful support to the school and play a very important role in holding me and other school leaders to account. Giving them this insight into a full school day will enhance their knowledge of what we do and help them to support and challenge us.”
The responsibility of the day-to-day management of the school rests with the headteacher, while the Governing Body provides strategic management, acts as a ‘critical friend’ and supports the work of teaching staff.
Elizabeth Cook, Chair of Governors said, “The Governors’ Day gave us a chance to see first-hand how students are engaged and enjoying their learning. We met with pupil premium representatives who shared with us their experiences of school life and their progress and we also met with other students over lunch in the canteen.”
“It was a very detailed programme and we learned so much in the seven hours we spent at the school.”