Christmas Storytelling
A group of Year 7 students enjoyed the opportunity to spend a lesson in the library listening to stories and singing festive songs with Jill Barr, a local storyteller.
Jill quickly pulled the students into her first story, a tale of the hapless Jack who never seemed to get anything quite right. He worked hard for the local farmer and yet he somehow got something wrong every day. On his final day, his antics caught the eye of the Princess in the Palace. As is the conclusion to so many ancient tales, they married and lived happily ever after!
Jill then produced her electric bass ukulele, a most unusual instrument. Accompanied with this and the shaking of bells the students were happy to sing along with Jill before settling again to a second story. This was about the defeat of some wicked trolls in the depths of the Arctic, with the help of a friendly polar bear.
Break for another sing-a-long and then a story about a Snow Child. The sad and poignant ending left the students in total silence. They needed a rousing tune to lift their spirits!
For her final telling Jill beautifully narrated the Bible story of how Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus.
Squeezed in just before the end of the lesson the students enthusiastically joined together for a unique rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
This event demonstrated the joy of listening together to a story well told and the pleasure of interacting as a group singing songs.