Act of Remembrance 2023
Students and staff at the Gryphon Trust’s two schools in New Milton held their annual Remembrance ceremonies on Friday 10th November. At Eaglewood School, Acting Headteacher Mr Paul Barrett led a special assembly to mark the event, encouraging students to remember the brave men and women who have fought for the country. The school was delighted to welcome Bill Anderson Ward President of the Lymington branch of the Royal British Legion to take part in the assembly and to speak to a class of students about his experiences serving in the Scots Guards. A special wreath was laid at the school’s new monument to the fallen whilst a poem was read by a student before a two minutes’ silence was held.
Arnewood School held their annual remembrance ceremony together on the school’s AstroTurf with a number of students wearing their cadet uniforms. Mr Jamie Anderson, Headteacher, spoke of the need for us to remember that war remains very real for men, women and children around the world, with refugees from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine coming to our community with students also encouraged to think about the current conflict erupting in Israel and Gaza.
Mr Barrett said, “we are proud that both of our schools are committed to commemorating this important national event every year. Our students are very respectful and Remembrance Day is a key part of teaching about British values such as respect, tolerance and democracy. This year we also had students from both schools performing the Last Post which also added to the poignancy of the day,”