Art and Design equips pupils with the skills to enjoy, produce and engage with the visual arts throughout their lives. It provides the opportunity for pupils to explore contemporary and historical sources of art and take an individual approach to their art, craft and design making. In KS3 we offer a wide range of skills, techniques and artists for pupils to experience, including drawing, painting and sculpture. Pupils are encouraged to evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design.
This subject is aimed at students who wish to be introduced to childcare and development for children aged 0-5 years. It also gives learners an insight into their preferred learning styles and assists in developing their ability to study. A childcare qualification provides the opportunity to gain a vocational qualification that gives a basic introduction to the childcare sector including careers such as teaching, midwifery and nursing.
This childcare qualification is a GCSE equivalent qualification, which counts towards progress 8.
IT is part of everything we do. Young people of today live in a digital world. They talk through social media and have online friends. They play games online with other people who live anywhere in the world. They shop online, watch films and listen to music on their phones. The IT and Computer Science department take pupils though an ever-changing World of computer programming, software, digital design and games making, allowing them to work independently and gain a passion for the subject areas. The department has a team who work with the pupils to build on their understanding from work started at KS2 through a KS3 programme that builds on their skills and shows them how to stay safe in this digital age. It provides them the skills to support and extend their learning at KS4 and on into KS5, both within the department and in support of other curriculum areas. The department run a range of courses, both academic and vocational, to meet the needs of all pupils, at all levels and abilities.
At The Arnewood School we believe that creativity allows each learner to stretch their minds, do new and exciting things, and engage themselves in a way that takes them one step closer to reaching their full potential. Our curriculum develops pupils’ discipline, confidence and ability to take risks by developing knowledge of a variety of theatre styles, genres and techniques, we also strive to enable our pupils to look at the world around them, to ask critical questions about it and to be aware of the issues and opportunities we face. We encourage our pupils to participate in a range of extra-curricular trips, to be involved in school productions and to take advantage of our strong links with local theatre and performing arts groups.
In the English department we are passionate about equipping pupils with literacy skills for life. We aim to encourage debate and discussion, promote a love of reading and develop independent and critical thinking. We believe that providing a rich and varied diet of reading across our literary heritage will enable pupils to understand our culture and the world around them. We seek to inspire pupils by reading and emulating the work of wordsmiths from our literary canon – from great novelists and poets to skilful orators. Effective communication in both spoken and written form lies at the heart of our subject. We believe that by promoting discussion and collaboration our pupils can take their place as effective communicators in the wider world.
Geography is a significant part of The Arnewood School curriculum. We believe that pupils should have enhanced global awareness of the physical world as well as an understanding of their place within it and how they interact with that world. Our curriculum will inspire pupils to take an active role in their environment and encourage responsibility for their actions with the concept of sustainability and the importance of it in today’s world. We want to broaden their world by providing access to cultures and cultural understandings from around the world. Through the study of Geography students are encouraged to consider how the world and its many interconnections shape our environments. Students will develop skills in using examples on a variety of different scales (local, national and global), identifying patterns and processes, explaining the interconnectedness of a vast world, implementing key terms and vocabulary and thinking through geographical enquiry.
The Level 2 Award in health and social care will equip students with knowledge of people, beginning with birth and the journey through life. This qualification looks at factors that affect health and wellbeing and how to interpreted health indicators.
Pupils of history learn good habits of thought as a result they will develop enquiring minds. They analyse and evaluate historical sources ideas and data, and develop original interpretations of such materials. They are also schooled in expressing themselves well, both verbally and in writing making them independent learners.
Pupils will develop a number of different skills including what causes events in history; the impact of events in history; the importance of local history; the significance of individuals and events; how Britain has changed over time; how the past has been interpreted in different ways; and to provide links with the modern day.
Pupils will experience a diverse range of British and World history ensuring they are outward-looking, tolerant and understanding of their place in the wider world. Teachers are passionate about their subject and install pupils with a deep-rooted desire to achieve.
We are incredibly passionate about our mathematics and strive for all students to reach their potential. Students are taught key mathematical concepts and then provided with a calm environment within which they can practice and master the skills. Students produce a large volume of work, with focus being paid to mathematical layout, presentation and storytelling. Students are provided with a challenging and sequential scheme of work that ensures topics are taught in an order that allows appropriate progression.
Students will be following a pathway of work which will be challenging and include topics in a carefully considered sequence that ensures they are taught in an order that allows appropriate progression. By the end of the journey through a pathway we want our students to be mathematically confident, literate and exam ready.
Students will leave The Arnewood School mathematically confident having enjoyed their maths lessons, being able to speak positively about the maths that they can now do. They will take pride in their work, focusing on mathematical content and scholarly learning as well as, the presentation of their work, mathematical story telling and layout.
In the Modern Foreign Languages department our aim is that all language learners develop the skills and confidence to consider themselves as global citizens who belong in a multicultural, mutually respectful world. We support pupils to understand other countries and cultures so that they can be more open and adaptable to new experiences. We ensure that each topic of study contains an element of cultural reference to the target language country and possibly to the wider Francophone or Germanic world. We are committed to developing strong, lifelong linguistic skills and encourage our pupils to become curious and interested in the world beyond their immediate environment. Ultimately, we want our pupils to have a love of languages, and aim to achieve this by nurturing a linguistic curiosity and an intrinsic motivation to explore and respect other cultures and peoples.
Studying music helps students to increase their cognitive ability, improve their numeracy and literacy, and develop their social and emotional well-being. It involves problem solving, research, planning, using analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as developing creativity. In Years 7 and 8, music is studied by all students and gives them a chance to perform, compose and appraise different styles of music. At GCSE level, students deepen their understanding of music theory and develop their performing and composing techniques.
Physical Education is an integral part of The Arnewood School. We believe in sport for all young people and offer opportunities for every pupil to find activities that inspire to a lifelong passion for sport and physical activity. Our curriculum develops pupils’ self-confidence, endeavour and sportsmanship. Opening doors for the future for all of our pupils to establish core values of enjoyment, respect, teamwork, etiquette and engage in active, social and healthy living. We strive to develop our students to fulfil their potential in a range of activities and help them take the next steps to compete at a higher level with our strong link with local clubs and the New Forest Schools Partnership.
The world is becoming increasingly complex and difficult to navigate. The PSHE curriculum is designed to ensure that students develop core skills that will enable them to succeed, not in spite of these challenges, but because of them. Our students will learn how to be resilient, reflective and safe in the choices they make. They will understand that by investing in their personal education, they will prosper academically and they will be able to make a meaningful contribution to society. The PSHE curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure that core skills are built upon at each key stage. Additionally, the curriculum has been designed to complement subjects such as Science, Computing and PE so that students have increased opportunities to embed, practise and apply new knowledge to real life situations.
Our curriculum is designed to celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive school environment. Students learn and understand the value of being outward looking, tolerant and understanding of others. They are aware that this is crucial to keeping each other safe. Students are aware of their duties as citizens and the legal provisions that protect them. Our relationship education demonstrates to students that there are many different types of families and relationships and they are all important to our society. The PSHE curriculum is supplemented by external agencies who deliver specialist sessions for our RSE programme. This provides students with further opportunities to embed their PSHE knowledge beyond the classroom.
In Religious Studies pupils learn what people from different faiths believe and do. We try to understand what motivates religious believers, and why their values and perspectives vary within and across different religions. Pupils explore both religious and non-religious perspectives on every topic from what happens when we die to relationships, marriage and divorce as well as other global issues central to our society today.
Pupils develop analytical and evaluation skills: identifying reasons to support their points of view, weighing up other people’s opinions, beliefs, and philosophies; looking for evidence and examples that give a deeper appreciation of complex life issues. Pupils learn to understand and relate to people whose beliefs, values, and viewpoints may be different from their own.
Pupils learn to appreciate how human beings make sense of their existence and the world around them, and to explore the meaning, purpose, and value of their own lives. We encourage pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the present and the future.
Teachers work with the ‘Living Difference’ agreed syllabus in Hampshire to support pupils develop a thirst and love for learning in the subject.
In Science we cover all 3 main aspects, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We look to help the students learn and understand science so that they can apply their knowledge and emerge as students who are informed about the science around them.
The specification encourages the development of knowledge and understanding in science through opportunities for working scientifically. This will involve talking, reading and writing about science but also completing scientific practicals and representing science either mathematically or through modelling. By the end of the curriculum students will have a broad range of scientific skills that they are able to apply to the modern world.
Within science there are significant opportunities for collaborative work including practical experiments, problem solving and sharing ideas. Science is consistently looking at the world of the future and is at the cutting edge of shaping the world of tomorrow.
Design and Technology at The Arnewood School prepares students to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world. Students will gain awareness and learn from wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, social, cultural, ethical, environmental and economic factors. Students will have opportunities to work creatively when designing and making and apply technical and practical expertise in workshops and specialist food and textiles environments. Our curriculum develops students’ confidence and ability to plan, prepare materials and ingredients, understand the properties of materials and chemical characteristics of food and to safely and confidently use a variety of equipment. Students can build on the skills and knowledge learnt at KS3 to specialise in construction, food or product design at KS4 and KS5. Our links with local businesses, building developers and suppliers provide a variety of opportunities for students to learn from real life situations and to see how their knowledge and skills can be applied in the world outside of school.