We Remember Them
Arnewood came together at 11am on Monday 11th November to remember the servicemen and women from New Milton and the surrounding area who gave their lives in the First and Second World Wars and conflicts since. A member of each tutor group held a sign with one of the names engraved on the town’s war memorial following a week of special assemblies.
At the beginning of our act of remembrance, Mr Anderson, headteacher said: “This is a story of ourselves; a story of our community and the men and women of a different generation who answered the call, a story as familiar in every community across the country. In a year in which we have had the opportunity to shape our own future by democratically deciding who should govern, we remember all those in our community who gave their lives so that we can enjoy our today.”
Head students Edward Shinn and Gracie Goodsell lay a wreath on behalf of the school community before the Last Post was played to signal the start of a 2-minute silence. The ceremony was led by a group of students who are members of the local air and army cadets. We also welcomed representatives from Hordle Primary School.
Deputy Head, Mr Barrett took the lead in organising this particularly poignant act of remembrance and expressed his gratitude to all involved, saying, “Many thanks to Team Arnewood and Hordle Primary School for supporting our Act of Remembrance, it was an excellent example of togetherness and was a really powerful moment.”
For those that are interested in the names of New Milton’s own here is a link: https://miltonheritagesociety.co.uk/chapters/milton-in-the-wars/names-on-the-new-milton-war-memorial/