We do all we can to help each child fulfil their individual potential and were pleased that Ofsted commented on the exemplary work being undertaken by the school that allows students with special education needs to progress so well.
Our vision at The Arnewood School is to unlock potential by encompassing the school’s model of “Aspirations, Togetherness & Success” for all pupils, regardless of ability, race or need, ensuring they make the greatest possible progress in their learning, whilst experiencing a broad and balanced curriculum alongside their peers. We want all students to be ready to learn, in a safe atmosphere of mutual respect.
At our school, all teachers are teachers of students with SEND and recognise that what is good for SEND students is good for all. Teachers scaffold work so that all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and maintain high expectations with high support, thus ensuring all children make progress.
All children are special, all children have needs and many children experience barriers to their learning or the way they behave at some time during their school life. It is recognised that many students will, perhaps for only a short time, have some for of Special Educational Needs (SEND) and that some support may be required. At The Arnewood School, we offer excellent teaching and learning to all students including those with SEND.
We are ambitious for all our students and aim to ensure that a quality educational opportunity is provided for all.
A child has a learning difficulty if he or she:
Special provision is educational provision which is additional to, or otherwise different from, provision made generally for children of the child’s age in maintained schools, other than special schools, in the area.
We believe that our good practice can make a difference and we endeavour to “personalise” our learning support which may include some of the following:
The co-ordination of Learning Support and Special Needs is undertaken by our SENDCo, Mrs Gemma Battrick-Mantell, who is responsible for the strategic development and day to day operation of the school’s SEND policy, co-ordination of provision for students and liaison with parents, staff and external agencies. Mrs Battrick-Mantell is supported by our Deputy SENDCo, Mrs Chloe Anderson, who is also our Literacy Lead and promotes progress and achievement for SEND students.
In addition, there is a strong team of specialist teachers and Learning Support Assistants who provide mentoring and support during lessons.
To learn more about how we include students with Special Educational Needs, please see our SEND policy which can be found on the Policies page of the school website.
To view our SEND Information Report for 2023-2024 please visit our Statutory Information page of the website.
To find out more about services and activities for children and young people living in Hampshire aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please have a look at the Hampshire website which can be found here:
Hampshire’s Local Offer for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
Hampshire SENDIASS is an impartial advisory service who can provide support and information to parents and carers of children on the Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) register. They aim to make a positive and lasting difference for SEND children and young people by providing timely confidential, impartial information, advice and support through their online resources, at events and workshops, via their helpline service and through individual casework.
If you would like to contact SENDIASS, their website address is:
https://www.hampshiresendiass.co.uk/ or their telephone contact number is 0808 164 5504